Who Am I?

My Name is Sandy Slade. I am an entrepreneur living in Prince Edward Island, Canada. I live with ADHD and I am passionate about changing what it means to live with ADHD by changing the story we tell ourselves, the actions we take, the communities we build, and the environments we live and work in.

In 2016 I graduated from Dalhousie University and started working with the homeless population. In the spring of 2020 I moved to work as a mental health worker and employment counselor through Skills PEI. After being there for almost 4 years, I took over a maternity leave position with the ADAPT program as a learning strategist.

In the fall of 2018, I founded ADHD PEI, making PEI one of the first provinces in Canada to have a province wide ADHD support and advocacy organization. ADHD PEI was incorporated as a not for profit organization in 2021. Through this volunteer work I gained over 600 hours of experience in facilitating mutual support groups. I have gained expertise in the services available and built up the reputation of being a knowledge expert in this area as it relates to lived experience and support for individuals with ADHD. I spoke on behalf of ADHD PEI at the announcement of the Provincial ADHD Clinic, I have written articles for the employment journey on ADHD and Neuro-Diversity, and I have had several media appearances including as a guest on a regional call-in show about ADHD in 2021.

Why Restart?

Restart can sound negative - not achieving the goal, not sticking to the plan. Not measuring up.

What if a Restart was a part of the plan? What if Restart was the Plan?

The difference between someone who is “successful” and someone who is not often comes down to simply the fact that they Restart sooner. They Restart the gym routine after 2 weeks, instead of waiting until Jan 1st. They Restart the diet the next day instead of next Monday. They Restart their bedtime routine after a vacation, instead of when they start missing work or getting sick. Creating systems to Restart quicker and better is possible!

ADHD causes people to be more distracted, less able to focus, and more impulsive resulting in many more moments when a Restart is required. Instead of being deflated and discouraged, we can reframe our thinking and remind ourselves that every morning and every moment is a new opportunity to Restart. Attention is being stolen by corporations, by the rush of life, and (with ADHD) by our own nervous systems. For myself the path to a meaningful, impactful life has been found by embracing the process:

To Begin Again

To Refocus

To Pause

To Assess

To Reflect

To Restart